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Some publications about the research on CASP
van der Gaag, A. (1988). The development of a language and communication assessment procedure for adults with a mental handicap An interim report. British Journal of Mental Subnormality, 34, 6268.
van der Gaag, A. & Lawler, C. (1990). The validation of a language and communication assessment procedure for use with adults with learning difficulties.Health Bulletin, 48, 254-259.
van der Gaag, A. (1989). Joint assessment of communication skills: Formalising the role of the carer. British Journal of Mental Subnormality, 35, 22-28.
van der Gaag, A. (1989). The view from Walter's window: Social environment and the communicative competence of adults with a mental handicap. Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, 33, 221-227.
Dormandy, K. & van der Gaag, A. (1989). What colour are the alligators? A critical look at methods used to assess communication skills in adults with learning disabilities. British Journal of Disorders of Communication, 24, 265-279.
van der Gaag, A. & Davies, P (1994). Following the dolphins; an ethnographic study of speech therapists working with people with learning disabilities. European Journal of Disorders of Communication, 29 (2) 203-216.
van der Gaag, A. (1998). Communication and adults with learning disabilities Eliminating professional myopia. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 26, 88-93.